Privacy Policy


  1. 信息收集 当您使用本应用时,我们不会收集您的任何个人信息。
  2. 信息使用 我们可能会向您请求相关的应用权限,目的是帮助您记录自己写日记,如记日记的位置信息,或者启用设备生物识别功能以为日记加密等。如果末授权相关权限,部分功能将无法正常使用。我们不会将您的信息用于其他用途。本应用不会擅自使用未经许可的权限。
  3. 信息存储 您的日记数据和位置信息将被存储在您的本地设备上,我们不会将您的任何数据主动上传到其他服务器或第三方。
  4. 信息分享 我们不会将您的任何信息出售、出租或与任何第三方分享。
  5. 信息安全 本应用数据存储于本应用沙盒中,请妥善保管自己的设备。我们建议您定期备份您的数据并采取措施保护您的设备安全,例如为设备设置密码、更新操作系统等。
  6. 信息导出 本应用提供数据导出功能,允许您将您的日记数据导出为通用格式。在您导出数据后,请确保妥善保管导出的文件,以防止数据泄露。
  7. 隐私政策的变更 我们可能会不时地更新本隐私政策。在我们对隐私政策进行重大更改时,我们将在本应用内通知您。请定期查看本隐私政策,以确保您了解我们是如何处理您的信息的。

This privacy policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, store and protect your personal information. Please read this privacy policy carefully.

  1. Information Collection We do not collect any personal information from you when you use this application.
  2. Information Use We may ask you for permission to use the app for the purpose of helping you keep track of your diary, for example, to keep track of the location of your diary, or to enable biometric features on your device to encrypt your diary. If you do not authorise the relevant permissions, some features will not work properly. We will not use your information for any other purpose. The app will not use unauthorised permissions.
  3. Information storage Your diary data and location information will be stored on your local device and we will not actively upload any of your data to other servers or third parties.
  4. Information Sharing We will not sell, rent or share any of your information with any third party.
  5. Information Security This application data is stored in this application sandbox, so please keep your own devices safe. We recommend that you back up your data regularly and take steps to secure your device, such as setting a password for your device, updating your operating system, etc.
  6. Exporting information The app offers a data export function that allows you to export your diary data into a common format. After you have exported your data, please ensure that you keep the exported files safe to prevent data leakage.
  7. Changes to the Privacy Policy We may update this privacy policy from time to time. When we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you within this application. Please check this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you understand how we are handling your information.